Backyard Studios Website Design & Development
Jeff Greenlee -

Secretary Treasurer

Jeff Greenlee

San Antonio Alamo Area Local Constitution

Duties of Officers
Section 3.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep all Financial Records and accounts of all members of this Local; shall be custodian of all properties and monies of this Local; shall make deposits of monies received and maintain receipts for same; shall keep a complete report of all monies received and disbursed and must submit a financial report at each General Membership meeting with the original report to be given to the President and a duplicate report to each Craft Director and the Chairperson of the Trustees; shall sign all authorized checks for monetary disbursements of this Local; shall keep all time worked by office employees. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be bonded by the national APWU. Upon approval of the membership, he/she shall be reimbursed for LWOP for the purpose of carrying out these duties in the best interest of the Local. Such reimbursement shall be at the prevailing hourly postal rate, at a no gain no loss basis.


Form 1187 Authorization for Deduction of Dues


Article VII. Compensation Section 7.01 Hours (Salary) – While on authorized Local
Union business, you will be paid for all hours worked, up to EIGHT HOURS (8) PER
DAY, to a maximum of FIVE (5) DAYS IN A ROW (OR 40 hours).
Furthermore, no more than five (5) consecutive days in a seven (7) day period will be
paid. You will be paid whether you are on LWOP or annual leave. However, night
differential and/or Sunday premium will be paid only for actual LWOP hours taken for
authorized union business and when a 3971 form is attached to your voucher. Please
be sure your LWOP hours are accurately reflected on your 3971.
APWU is obligated to withhold taxes from your salary. Without a completed W 4 form,
taxes will be withheld at the “Single with No Exemptions” rate. Additionally, it is your
responsibility not to exceed the maximum number of LWOP hours allowed under USPS
guidelines so as not to jeopardize your USPS fringe benefits.
Section 7.03 Reimbursement for Lost Annual and Sick Leave
In order to be reimbursed for any USPS annual and sick leave you lose while on Local
assignments, you must have worked a minimum of EIGHTY (80) HOURS without pay
working on behalf of the Local and have provided approved 3971s attached to your
expense voucher in order to be reimbursed for lost leave for the LWOP hours worked.
Passed at the General Membership Meeting November 20, 2021

1. Other Compensation Pay (OCP) is a flat hourly rate paid to officers and full dues
paying union members for union business and duties/work performed in the best
interest of the local.
2. Other Compensation Pay may be paid to union members in lieu of LWOP/Lost
Time/Annual Leave at their discretion.
3. Night differential and/or premium pay will not be paid for Other Compensation Pay.
4. Other Compensation Pay must be approved prior by the local President.
5. Other Compensation will be paid for up to eight hours (8) daily and a maximum of
five (5) days in a seven (7) day period.
6. A completed voucher must be submitted to the President or his/her designee. The
voucher must be accurate and specific on the hours, date, and purpose.
7. Other Compensation pay rate shall be determined by a majority vote at a General
Membership Meeting and shall stand until superseded by a new motion.
Passed at the General Membership Meeting, October 15, 2022.