San Antonio Alamo Area Local Constitution
Officers and AFL-CIO Delegates
Section 4.
The Recording Secretary shall keep a correct and impartial account of the proceedings of this Local; shall read all bills and communications at all meetings; shall provide the membership with minutes of all general or special membership meetings; insure that members are notified of all membership meetings.
Shall provide a copy of all minutes to the President, Craft Directors, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, Secretary-Treasurer and Editor and all stations of the area local within seven (7) days following any meeting. Shall be a member of the local negotiating team (effective January 2000). Upon the approval of the membership shall be reimbursed for LWOP for the purpose of carrying out these duties in the best interest of the Local. Such reimbursement shall be at the prevailing hourly postal rates, at a no gain no lost basis. Be responsible for the preparation, printing and mailing of all election ballots to the membership in strict accordance with the provisions of Article V of this Constitution.[1]